Saturday, November 6, 2010


Cold bike ride today; had to scrape the frost off the glass before putting the bike in the car this morning. The leader says he doesn't go if it's under 38º F, and it wasn't at 9:00 when we left... but we went anyway. My bike shoes have ventilation for the toes, which is sensible in the hot weather, but it was not very comfy today. I broke down and bought toe covers today; they ought to come before next weekend. I may need to use regular gloves (which are klutzy on the shift controls).

Twice, we stopped just before a steep uphill that I just didn't have it in me to get started; I had to walk the bike to a flatter spot (once, I went over and skinned a knee - but didn't tear my tights; how did that happen?). I don't know if that was due to the cold, or not knowing how to ride on this new kit yet, or what.

Tomorrow's ride starts on the other side of Route 1, supposedly the flatter side of our local riding territory. Let's hope, because it's certainly not going to be much warmer (although Daylight Savings changes tonight, so maybe, with an additional hour of sunshine...)

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