Wednesday, May 4, 2011

far left?

From Best of the Blogs, I came across this post on "What, Exactly, Is Far Left?" For too long, people on the right have complained that lefties are against everything without being for anything (which is probably a talking point from a few years ago that's been around so long it's part of the water supply now). This poster tells what he's about. Some of his points:

  • I believe that no one should die, or lose everything they own, because they get sick. That doesn’t seem like such a radical idea to me, and even people like Nixon toyed around with making this a reality in America.
  • I believe that profits are worthless if the air and water are screwed. For that reason, I believe in strong environmental controls, and I believe that any trade policy should take into account the environmental rules of any trading partner, since it’s all one world and the filth tends to find its way back to us, once there’s enough of it...
  • I believe that a living wage is an essential part of a functioning democratic society. History shows us over and over again that people kept in miserable poverty have no interest in the perpetuation of a society, and they eventually cast it off. ... I believe the capital-gains tax needs to be at least doubled, since someone who earns an honest living through work is penalized far more heavily via taxation than someone who does nothing but sits around and figures out ways to run up a stock price, or creates some new financial scheme like derivatives...
  • I do not give a damn what your color is, or who you love, or what holy book you read from, as ling as you’re holding up your piece of the society and leaving me alone. This particular belief used to be a bedrock principle of Conservatism, but it now belongs to the Bolsheviks. How did that happen?

There's more. I don't agree with everything he says (of course; lefties won't team up for ANYBODY!), and I think he leaves out the idea that everybody ought to be expected to contribute to the common good. But it's a good article, and much of it speaks my mind. Check it out.

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