Sunday, May 12, 2013

ethical dilemma ride

After yesterday's all-day rain, the clear weather today was a relief... AND The Excellent Wife (TEW) informed me that we had a late-day call to visit the Excellent In-Laws for Mother's Day, so I took the opportunity to get in one of the last of Winter Larry's Back-By-Lunch rides for the season; he's about to crawl back into his cave and estivate (it's like hibernate; check the link or look it up) from leading until the leaves start to turn in the fall. Laura OLPH met me for a few extra miles this morning behind Cliff H's office, and we rode in to Cranbury to start the ride.

Eleven of us, including a newcomer (another Jim; don't get us confused). Wind was predicted to kick up later (it did), so Larry picked this route (the link, of course, includes Laura's and my roundabout ride-to-the-ride, and Laura, Tom H's and my fairly-straight route back). We went to Bordentown, which is a nifty town with Victorian and Arts-And-Crafts style houses and a neat view of the river (and a stop where we can't use the toilets, but that's another story).

A a small subgroup of the ride was real slow, and I got impatient... so when it was time to come back after the break in Bordentown, I wound up doing a long pull back up 539, at a pace that I found engaging, and others found fast (there may be complaints about that pace; Larry let me lead back and he stayed with the slower riders). I've been arguing with myself about what to do about these slower riders; that ethical dilemma will make a new post soon.

In the meantime, we're about to head out to The Excellent In-Laws for too much food, Mother's Day, and the last (I hope) of my birthday celebrations.

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