Sunday, June 16, 2019

father's day ride

There was nothing particularly paternal (or paternalistic) about this ride except that I happened to schedule it for Father's Day. I knew I'd have a long ride yesterday, and I shorted my crew last week, so I wanted something that would be complete , but still not too demanding. I decided on a 35-mile route over my usual roads.

Storms were threatening, but it appeared we'd be back before the skies opened (and it's been hours since, and the storm still has not come...). I wound up with five to start: Laura OLPH, Robert N, Steve S, Prem R, and Andy M.

We did the route at my usual lower-than-B pace (so far, none of my riders has complained. We stopped at the usual Bagel Barn on 206 & 518, where the reputation for slow service is well-deserved (even if you get something pre-prepared, you have to wait until your number is called...), but it's the only place in the area that will serve as a decent stop (at least that I can find).

While we were there, Andrew's wife appeared and picked him up. Here they go, escaping from the monotony:

I took the long way back (10 miles instead of seven), which still wasn't enough for Prem, who was going to add some miles; he was shooting for 100km today.

Good for him. I just don't have it in my legs.

Ride page here.

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