Thursday, January 20, 2022

joining the team


I stopped work before Thanksgiving, and officially retired December 1, 2021... but, given the weather, my early-retirement mishaps, and their schedule, I haven't been able to get out on a Team Social Security ride. So when I saw Joe M had one scheduled for yesterday, I signed up, even though I had no idea where Northern Community Park on Groveville Road was. Aren't they supposed to start from Allentown on Wednesdays?

Well, yeah, but... well, the toilets have been locked up in Allentown since about the start of the pandemic, and the toilets at this park are open. And when you're dealing with a number of people of the age of this team, toilet availability is A Consideration. This is an issue which has become of concern to me; we need not elaborate further.

Above: Andy A's Bianchi is so pretty.

With the predicted wind and cold, Joe had planned 31 miles with a short stop. The wind certainly came through; we had one of those rides where we could turn 90°, or more, and still be fighting a headwind (and "fighting" is the term to use; it was substantial. Laura OLPH says, "Y'know what riding into a headwind is good training for? Riding into a headwind").

This ride wasn't as fast as some of the TSS rides get, and I got a chance to chat with some of the guys (I hope to have more chances, as I ride with 'em more frequently, if this cold ever breaks). I was complaining what a failure I've been at retirement to Pete P, and he suggested I needed a hobby. I replied, " I've got one!", as I continued to pedal, but we agreed maybe I need a winter hobby.

We stopped in Columbus; you may have recognized from the building in the background in the picture at top.

(Hrmph. Abut half my pictures didn't come out: schmutz on the lens. I need to take better care of my gear.)

I had such a good time on this ride, that I decided to post something for the weekend, even though it's gonna be way colder. I need some #$%&ing rides, dammit.

Ride page.

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