Wednesday, November 30, 2022

returning to nature


Land was donated, near the D&R Canal towpath below Jacques Lane, by Beverly & Abraham Sommer in 1995. I've passed this stone on the bike over and over... but I just recently noticed the mold and lichen on the unpolished, carved panel. In less than 27 years, the process of the stone being reduced to rubble has already begun.

memento mori. ego eris, tu fui.

(I'm a snob, but I'm not heartless. Translations are linked.)

Now, at Thanksgiving, after a number of family plans fell through*, we were invited to a friend's (they felt sorry that we might be alone and neglected), and as we were packing up, the host said he had a hobby of photography, and edited his images in some online product. He spends happy hours doing it, and the cost was a little over a sawbuck a month. 

*(Thank the gods!)

I've resolved to ask about his process the next time I see him (I have visions of the two of us side-by-side on a couch, he with his laptop on his lap, I asking endless and inane questions, while Regina and his wife roll their eyes about "boys and their toys"), but in the meantime, I decided to roll out my GIMP program (a free image-manipulation program similar to Photoshop, but without many of the wizards and controls that make Photoshop easier to use), and play with this image.

The first thing I did was change to black-and-white:

Then I changed the contrast a bit:

I may do some more. Or I may go back to the color version and play with that. Ancora imparo, as apparently nobody important ever said.


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