Monday, February 22, 2021

apron adjustment

The pattern looks like this:

... and it looks like a nifty design with those swoopy curves in the back. But instead of that single rectangular pocket in the middle don't you think hand pockets would be better?

I did. and it turned out that the scrap from those swoopy underarm cuts made some decent pocket shapes. They'll want to be patch pockets instead of inset, "bag-type" pockets, and you can't put too much in 'em because it will affect the drape, but let's give it a try.

I made up a muslin, this time out of real muslin, which is lightweight and cheap, and I used the rectangle pocket marking as a guide for the patch pockets. It looked more or less like this:

Detail of the pockets:

(The shape reminds me of headless chickens.)

This one isn't useful for anything; the muslin is too thin. But I'm going to look for chambray, if I can find a heavy enough weight, or cotton duck canvas, if I can find one light enough. (The original is in linen, which looks great, but do you want to care for it?) I'm planning to make it as a birthday present for my sister; she never looks at this blog, so it will be a surprise.

The linen, though, has given me an idea for an unlined, summer-weight vest. After all, a guy's gotta have a pocket to keep his phone in, right? And I've got a lightweight wool vest I can use as a model...

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