Sunday, July 31, 2022

better idea

How did I wind up with 21 registrants for a C+ ride for today?


The Princeton Free Wheelers definitely needs more ride leaders. (Also, I need to remember to clean off my lens.)

One thing I did right, though: after thinking and talking far too much about my concerns about pace, I decided today to enlist some assistance, and I asked Heddy B and Eric H to lead the faster folks, and then Mike V agreed to sweep. So I had the fast folks go off the front, and I could worry about the folks in the back.

We did more or less the same route as last week (I didn't blog about that one; there was a mishap). My RideWithGPS shows 13.9 average, but others showed over 14.5. We had riders of wide ranges of abilities, but nobody had to ride alone (although two did leave the ride by the time the break ended). 

We stopped at that Blawenburg Bistro.

So far, my rides seem to be doing a reasonable job of ensuring the continued success of the Bistro.

So let's see if delegating out the fast-folks lead continues to work.

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