Thursday, September 16, 2021

flu vaccine also kicked my @ss

 So when you get to be over 65, and you go to get your flu vaccine, you get the dose that's four times as strong as the dose that the young and fit get.

(Is there any doubt that I'm over 65?)

And like my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, my reaction to this vaccine is no fun. (Although it's nowhere near as bad as that was. Still, I'm wearing sweatpants as a concession to my condition. I'm rarely a sweatpants kind of guy.)

(I'm still in a collared shirt and bow tie, though, even though I'm working from home. Some traditions must be maintained. Stiff upper lip, that's why there will always be an England, and so on.)

Suck it up and get the vaccine anyway. If I can do it, you can. Vaccines work.

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