Saturday, February 6, 2021

moderna kicked my @ss

I work for Rutgers University Behavioral Healthcare. Many of my fellow staff have patient-facing positions; I do not, but when the Moderna Coronavirus vaccine was made available to UBHC staff, I got the opportunity to get the shot, and I took them up on it. I got my first dose on January 8, and had little reaction.

I got my second dose yesterday, February 5. I am having a substantial reaction.

Holy cow.

After the vaccination yesterday, I wound up with some achiness, and I fell asleep on a ZOOM meeting with friends last night. I went to bed early (for me, which is EXCEPTIONALLY early for most; I was in bed before 8:30pm).

At 1:40am by the bedroom clock, I woke with aches and apparent fever, and pain around the injection site to the point I couldn't lie on that side. I got out of bed and was up for about an hour; went back to bed, and slept fitfully until I could no longer stay in bed at about 3:45am (this is not much earlier than my usual waking time, but I was unwell, achy, and exhausted). 

I rarely take aspirin, Tylenol, or the like. I mean rarely; it might happen every few years. This was bad enough that I took a Tylenol (I seemed to remember that Tylenol was more effective than other over-the-counter medications against the ailments caused by the coronavirus). It reduced the fever effectively; it was less effective against the pain, especially a persistent headache. I was able to nap for a short while about 11am, and then slept from about 1:30pm until a little after 4. The headache was mostly gone immediately after arising, but has returned. It's bad enough that I've taken another Tylenol. There is still tenderness around the injection site.

Yesterday, Martin G dropped off a number of shirts for me to alter (he's lost even more weight than I). I had hoped to knock them out this weekend, but it's just too much for me.

I have a new respect for the coronavirus.

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