Wednesday, August 31, 2022

short ride before lunch

 On the last Wednesday of the month, the Team Social Security riders, the folks in the Princeton Freewheelers bike club who have rides most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, cut short the rides, so they can gather for lunch at an Italian restaurant near the regular Wednesday ride start. As usual, they have two groups go: a slower, nominally-C-paced ride:

... and a faster, nominally C-plus-paced ride, although some riders go far faster than the thirteen-to-fourteen-mph C-plus pace.

Bill B was listed as the leader, but his aging GPS device got wonky and he lost the route. I didn't have it loaded, so we formed a team with a couple of riders who did (Eddie L and Andy A) and a few others, and made it to the stop at which the others had already arrived.

While they were ind enough to invite me, I didn't do lunch with them post-ride; chores and regret over too much high-calorie eating recently intervened. But it was a good ride; I'm glad I went (and I was presentable enough, on this not-too-hot day, to stop at a grocery on the way home).

Ride page.

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