Saturday, October 17, 2020

zoo cruise


When you see this critter, you're glad there's a stout fence separating youse. Trust me on this.

Tom H has apparently done rides on which the Cohanzick Zoo was a rest stop, but I don't remember ever having been. The zoo is small, but interesting, so when Tom suggested a ride from there (and a visit to the zoo after the ride), I agreed, even though the one-way trip was supposedly about two hours (it turns out Google Maps overestimated for the trip down, although the Saturday afternoon traffic was heavy enough that the estimate was close to accurate for the return trip).

The zoo is in Cumberland County: flat, and full of farms. I'm not sure I've ever been on a bike there before, although some of the others on Tom's pickup-ride had been.

Below, Tom sports a zoo-appropriate face mask.

In the pics immediately above, you can see Peter G and Ricky sporting the same outfit. They must have both seen that olive-colored insulated jersey at the same sale. They took to calling themselves, "Team Drab".

Samples of the local topography:

At the high point of Cumberland County, below. Breathtaking.

It was a windy day, which was a pleasure with a tailwind, and a beast riding into the wind. The pictures don't lie; there was neither hill nor tree stand, in most places, to block the wind.

We made a stop at a nothing-in-particular local store in Alloway (where do these people buy groceries? I didn't see any big stores, either on the ride or on the trips down and back). On the way back, both Laura OLPH and I were taken with this intersection sign:

The corner of Frog Ocean and Main Street Canton. Great names.

Ride page.

When we got back, these peacocks were commanding the parking lot.

Some of the animals were inside, either to escape the cold, or the coronavirus (which can affect primates and cats). This guy was still out, though. I guess plastic is COVID19-immune.

I don't know if these guys were part of the zoo, or not:

Some of the cats:

Some of the others; I don't remember what:

I usually like to end the post with a "button-up": some sarcasm, or a quote, but I don't have one today.

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