Saturday, June 25, 2022

misconceptions and a fast ride


(Yeah, that's pretty much the whole Cranbury B ride today, leavin' me in the dust.)

Laura OLPH's Hill Slugs, and Tom H's Insane Bike Posse (consisting of largely the same folks) usually have an email conversation going on late in the week about weekend riding (and other) plans. I didn't get an email this week... and figured I had been left out, because I'm active with a number of other club members and activities now, so the Slugs/Posse folks must have decided to go on without me. 

So I registered for Dave H's Cranbury B ride, and then saw that Jack H and Bob N, both Slug/Posse members in good standing, would be on the ride. At the start, I went to visit them at their cars. I don't remember which of us said it first (it wasn't me), but one of 'em said, "I thought I was left off the email chain...". Bob thought it was because he'd been away so long, and Jack hadn't come up with a reason. So we laughed when we figured out we'd all had the same thought.

(I've been in touch with both Laura and Tom since. Tom bumped into a group of JSTS riders who plied him with a promise of ice cream [and who among us could resist such wily persuasions?], and Laura was Dealing.With.Family, an affliction to which I am particularly tender. We weren't left off the email chain, because the email chain was never started. It's a good thing I'm so good-lookin', because I'm none too bright.)

It was a great sunny day for a ride, though. At the start:

We did this route. Dave regularly allows the group to break into a fast group (which Dom C leads), and a slow group, of which I was part. I made a virtue of my slow pace by sweeping. (Yeah. I intended to do that all along. Honest. I did.)

 We stopped at the Wawa.

On a hot day, with a fast ride like this. I gotta remember to eat and drink more, I was uncomfortable at the end. But we all got in, in good order. Dave gave me a sweep credit, which I will take, but I'm not sure I deserve!

Tomorrow, I'm leading a C+ ride, shorter and slower. I'll need it!

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