Sunday, November 7, 2021

i still think they're wrong, but...

 I got to thinking this morning about the food pyramid, and how we got bamboozled by the sugar-and-grain folks a couple of decades ago, into thinking that dietary fat was the main cause of overweight and obesity. It turns out that sugar and grain are much more at fault than fat.

So if we got lied to about that, I can see why folks might have thought that we were lied to about COVID-19 and the vaccine. The science for the vaccine was better, and more easily available (and more of us know how to read it), but if you're been lied to once, you're more likely to be suspicious of stuff coming from the same source, especially if you've been otherwise fed an information diet heavy in conspiracies and suspicion.

As with so many other things, I need to think about that.

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