Friday, November 5, 2010

financial whoa's

I've overspent, between the Hawaii trip, the bike, and Christmas (we do the family Christmas when we get together at Thanksgiving, so my buying is loaded a bit early). Now, when I say I've overspent, what that means is I don't have as much of a cushion as I like:
  • I still have $250/paycheck put in a 403b;
  • I still save $222.22/month for my Roth IRA ($6000 annual cap for my age, divided by 27 paychecks this year);
  • I still put $600/month into savings;
  • And Regina saves part of the common money in various pigeonholes for things like vacations, insurance, and home repairs;
  • And all my credit cards are paid off, not just every month, but usually every time I make a charge (although I batch all my weekend charges and pay them all on Sunday night or Monday).
What "overspending" means, in this case, is that I'm down to about a $100 balance in my checking account, instead of the $800-1000 I usually like to have there. I expect it will take another month or six weeks to get back to that. In the meantime, I've got to be a bit circumspect... but, for example, Regina & I will still go out to McCormick & Schmicks for her birthday tomorrow (oh, yeah, in addition to Christmas, Regina keeps her birthday in mid-November, as well).

I am lucky to have this kind of financial problem.

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