Sunday, July 18, 2021

the storm didn't come

Some of the weather predictions around today's ride were dire. Two of my registrants cancelled; at least one ride was cancelled, and who knows how many people didn't bother to register or come out on a ride today because of the threatening storms.

I decided to run the ride anyway (after waiting until early yesterday to post it). And, while we got some rain (if you could call it that; it wasn't particularly determined or ambitious), the storm didn't come.

I decided to redo a route from a few weeks ago to a stop at Blawenburg that Bob N found, mostly because if the weather DID come, there were a number of places to turn round and adjust the route. I had a few takers: Ken W, perennial sweep Dave H, Luis C, Eric H... and Mini B, who complains that she's slow on hills (and she is, although she's doing better than she'll allow herself to admit). Mini went up Coppermine yesterday for the first time; despite that, she came out with us today. I call that determined. Remind me no to p--- her off.

We did this ride.

At the stop at the Blawenburg Bistro, a new favorite place:

Above, Jack H. He'd thought to join us at Willow, along the route... but we got signals crossed, and he was studiously investigation a section of the road that we didn't ride on (oh, well). I noticed him riding down Great Road and called him over, where we cleaned up the error.

I had planned a route the Skillman Park and then up across the Griggstown Causeway... but I suspect the Causeway is under water with all the recent rain (it's the lowest canal crossing), although when we passed, the road was comparatively dry (I didn't notice if the causeway was open). Instead, we came back straight across 518 into Rocky Hill, enjoying the tailwind and the downhill in Rocky Hill.

So I'm back early, getting chores done and writing a blog post. My bike shoes are even dry!

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