Monday, October 25, 2021

bcp fall foliage weekend

 Well, Regina and I thought it was great. It's true that there was not enough masking going on, but we found that easy enough to avoid. We decided to forego most of the group events; Tom H, who had more-or-less convened us, had rides for us to do, and the four of us - Tom, Laura OLPH, Jack H, and I did those. They were beautiful rides on new (to us) roads, and Tom's done this event enough to know where much of the coolness is.

The rides we did were not especially long, but they were hilly, and they were certainly challenge enough for each day.

From Friday's ride:

I really liked this stop... as well as the circle it was on. More below.

Tom said we'd see the elephant. It was way off the road, and I had to depend on the camera zoom to get it... but we did.

Saturday, there were a number of groups (some quite large) going out early.

The four of us took a ride to Gettysburg.

Above, the view from Little Round Top, held by Union soldiers, down to a rocky bit called Devil's Den by the traitors who had such a bad time there.

We got a bit of rain, and took refuge inside the bridge.

I find the battlefield sobering. 

Later that day, Regina and I had dinner on our own, and then met up with Tom and Laura later.

Sunday, a similar shape-up to the previous morning for the various rides going out.


We went to Lake Marburg (?).

Regina did her own rides, at her own pace, and was apparently happy with that. We're already planning to go back. (Although we hope the pandemic lifts, and we can do some of the group stuff next time!)

1 comment:

  1. "Regina"? Will people know you're referring to your wife?
