The Princeton Freewheelers All-Paces Rides and Fall Picnic was yesterday, and, while I led nine of us on this ride, the most important thing about it for this blog, I think is the photo album hosted on the PFW web page. Click the four-arrow icon at the lower right of the Picnic album to get the slideshow at a size you can actually see. Thanks to Luis Chen for some of the pics.
I happened to mention to Neil Cherry that I'd like to have a route that went to Charleston Coffee instead of the one I had, and within an hour or two he had sent me this. It's way better than what I'd come up with, and I'm grateful. Next time I need a 27-miler out of Tall Cedars Picnic Area, expect I'll use that.
Today, while about fifty of the active club members were off doing the Sprague Memorial Century (or at least a part of it), I led a ride with four members out of Claremont. We did one of my routes that goes through Prtinceton, then to Hopewell and Montgomery before heading back. Except for tired legs on Prretty Brook Road, it was uneventful until we got to Bayberry Road:
Well, I'm not a regular in Tom H's Insane Bike Posse for nothin', you know. So I decided we'd press ahead.
The first bridge was open...
So was the second. But then:
We debated going back to Carter or down to Elm Ridge... but the somebody (probably Dave) noticed that the creek was dry, and we might be able to walk and carry the bikes to the other side.
It's a trick I took from Tom H's book, although not one of the ones he's actually published.
We stopped at Boro Bean, as had a few other bikes.
The rest of the ride was uneventful, although we went faster than I like to go. (I'll get complaints about the speed. Don't worry about it; if you'd been along, you know we would have adjusted without comment or complaint.)