Sunday, January 2, 2022

first of the year


I didn't post this listing until late in the week, due to worries about weather and possible real-social-life conflicts. I still got fourteen (some of the faster folks went on other rides, which works out better for everybody; I want this to be a recovery ride, and a ride for people just at the edge of the "B" range).

Above, Ming's brought a cake to celebrate my retirement. She had one at the Holiday Party, to which The Excellent Wife (TEW) and I couldn't go because we were quarantined. Not to be denied; she made another and brought it today. I'm flattered! Thank you so much, Ming!

We did a modification of one of my regular routes, taking a real-estate tour in Hillsborough before proceeding down East Mountain, and then turning off 601 onto Dutchtown-Harlingen instead of proceeding down to Elm and Sunset (popular opinion appears to hold that today's change is an improvement, as not all of my changes are). From there, we took my regular roads to a stop at Thomas Sweet.

I'd been low-key worrying about crossing the canal at Griggstown all day. The Griggstown Causeway is the lowest canal crossing by far, and the rain last night might have put it under water. When we got to the Causeway, we saw it was passable, but just barely...

I felt something like Moses at the Red Sea.

When we got back, we had at the cake that Ming had brought. The next three pictures are from Luis C; the cake pic is mine.

Many thanks to Dave H, who brought back the remainder of the cake to my house, so that TEW could have some!

There were a number of discussions about my brief tenure as an employee at Sourland Cycles. It's a good shop, and the mechanics are efficient. It was just a poor fit for me. I've got some other plans for my time and energies.

Ride page.

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