Wednesday, January 12, 2022

qualifying for team social security, and new stuff to do

 My Social Security payments have started (and thanks to all of you who are still working and paying into the system). I'm an old man; it's official.

In other news, I started back at the New Brunswick Bike Exchange (although the Facebook page might actually be a more useful link) It's now led by Harv Moy, who was a student in one of my bike maintenance classes. He wants me to start doing the classes again. 

They have a corps of regular volunteers, and they're in a great location.  I'm very impressed with what they've become, and early indications suggest that it will be  good fit for me (if I can manage to avoid pissin' 'em off). The new volunteers I met were SO FRIENDLY, and treated me with a deference I'm sure I have not earned. I was working on a bike with a trashed bottom bracket, and showed off the ground-up ball bearings and retainer, to a certain amount of oohs and aahs.

I'm REALLY looking forward to going back.

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