Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Every now and then, I get to speak to a group about substance abuse. I used to do it two or three times a year for the Court-Appointed Special Advocates of Mercer County, until they changed their program. Today was the second time I've gone in as a guest lecturer for the graduate Occupational Therapy program at NYU.

It's marvelous fun. The students are young and hopeful. Most of them just go along for the ride, and a few are IMMENSELY bored (though I suspect they'd be bored with anything), and a few get engaged in the presentation, ask good questions, and make the time pass quickly.

My evaluations indicate that I'm a good lecturer for this kind of group: they find me entertaining and informative. I get paid a little money, but mostly I do it because I like to (and because I like the guy who runs the class and asks me to come it).

Today, I lost my cell phone on the way in; later, I had to go replace it. On the way back, the trains were delayed a few hours, so I took the bus back, and had to walk about a mile in the rain to get back to my car. And it was still a good day.

Anybody need a lecturer on substance abuse for a class of motivated neophytes?

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