Saturday, May 30, 2020

intimations of mortality

So I got two things in the mail yesterday that are inescapable evidence of my advancing age and imminent decline.

The first was confirmation that my Medicare card is coming.

The second was confirmation that one of my pensions will start next month. I haven't heard yet about the other one. (Don't get excited; between the two of 'em, I can afford bagels for the month.)

In other news, I woke up yesterday with fever, tenderness, and muscle aches. With some terror, I made an appointment for a test for novel coronavirus, but it's likely that it was just a reaction to the second Shingrix vaccination I had had the day previously, as 1) about one in six vaccine recipients report similar effects, and 2) the symptoms have disappeared this morning (I'm going for the test anyway).

As for the post title, it's a reference to this. I'm a 65-year-old White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant male with too much education, and every now and again I gotta drag my culture around.

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