Monday, May 30, 2011

thoughts on today

On the group ride today, a woman younger than I (Hrmph! Like that cuts down the numbers much!) said she was planning on getting married in August. To her, best of luck, but it has me thinking about my marriage. My wife is the best thing in my life. I tell her that from time to time; I tell other people that from time to time, and now I've told it here.

I'm also thinking of veterans, and of those dead in wars. Quakers don't hold with "the war system", but to me, it's inescapably true that in some cases, force has brought about desirable outcomes that were not possible in any other way. Other times, force has shortened and limited suffering. It is also true that force has spread and prolonged suffering. It would be lying to look at either side of this issue without acknowledging the other.

I'm sorry that people have had to die in wars, especially in cases where suffering was prolonged. But I am grateful for the rights and freedoms I have, that others have earned for me. I try not to take them for granted, or to minimize their importance, or cost.

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