Wednesday, February 26, 2014

not this saddle, thanks

Not all the people who hate bicyclists are drivers, apparently. I came across a reference to this saddle at Eben Weiss's BikesnobNYC blog. I couldn't believe it, so I looked up some other references... and yep, this is a real thing. To prove it, I found the article he quoted (it's from BikeBiz.Com).

Most of the pictures in a Google search for images of "shark bicycle saddle" don't do it justice, so I'll just use the picture from the BikeBiz.Com article:

The second thing I think is of the women who say that designer clothes aren't designed for real women. That thing isn't designed for real riders. (You can use your imagination for the first thing I think.)

Go to the manufacturer's FAQ, and you'll see that the argument is that the fin (that's what they call that protuberance) is placed in such a way that it keeps you in the right position on the saddle. If you can feel the fin, they say, you're in a wrong position.

These are obviously people who've never done a multi-hour ride, where you have to change position to keep from getting saddlesores. They're also apparently of the opinion that one size fits all, because even if that "fin" were a good idea, it would need individual adjustment. (I don't think of it as a fin; I think of it more like the spikes inside an Iron Maiden.)

This may not be the worst bicycle idea ever, but I'll bet it's in the bottom five.


  1. Does this saddle require indented shorts?

    Riding 100 miles with a wedgie. Bottom three, I think.

  2. I saw this in one of the bicycles forum I frequent. We were all having fun with comments about how this saddle will improve your average speed because you will be in such a rush to get home to get off this saddle. It will also help you to practice climbing out ofthe saddle on steep climb because you can't slide back to use your glutes for more power.
