Wednesday, July 29, 2015

surprised by friends

I'm looking for work, and leads have come up from the most unexpected places; most recently from friends who don't work in my field, but who thought, "Maybe Jim could find something here,", and who have sent links.

I'm looking both inside and outside my field (I have administrative and other experience that could transfer to other kinds of positions), and almost ever single site I've been sent has resulted in my sending in an application and résumé.

But the real point is that I'm getting support from the most unexpected people. Many of them are friends, but I had no thought that they would have these useful ideas. Others are people I had not even thought of as friends, but who have come through and provided support.

I have sent out over twenty job-seeking submissions, almost all based on good ideas that other people (including TEW; especially TEW) have had. The last two times I looked for work, nine and ten years ago, I counted on contacts I had made in the field in which I work. The whole process of seeking work has changed since that time; I'm a complete tyro at this. I'm grateful for all the help.

But mostly I'm grateful for the friends and supporters I have, both the ones I've known about, and the surprises.

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