Wednesday, July 3, 2019


I worked Sunday, and got today off, so it's like I have two weekends this week. Well, when that happens and the weather holds, I plan to ride with the Team Social Security folks, the mostly-retired gang that goes out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (and whom I hope to join more regularly in two years, eleven months, and twenty-four days... but who's counting?*).

(*I am. I'm counting. I set up a spreadsheet to do the counting for me.)

These days, there are two rides, the C ride that goes at a C pace, and the C+ ride crew that would leave my "slo-B" Sunday gang in the dust.

Above, seconds before Chris stopped, about four inches away. Below. Spence H, who I wanna be in 24 years if I live that long.

Marty woudl be a lot of fun if he'd just come out of his shell, right?

Al P, who leads the ride, never counts on his ride sheet signups to actually match the number of riders he's got, so we took a count once we were underway, and came up with thirteen. But nobody wanted to be the thirteenth rider, so we settled on 12A. (Mike wanted to know what the "A" stood for. I said, "Aaaaaynobody wanted to be number thirteen." He sounded disappointed; I think he was hoping for something more profane and specific.)

Al thought of the Olde World Bakery, but weather threatened, so we did this route so we could turn back in a hurry of the weather changed... but it didn't. We did, however, have to cross a closed bridge, just as if this were one of Laura OLPH's or Tom H's rides.

We stopped at Emery's Farm.

So now laundry's in and chores are done. I'm out to a Weight Watchers meeting in a bit. Hope to see you at that July 4 All-Paces tomorrow.

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