Tuesday, January 12, 2021

kitty crack dealer

 If you read the bottom of the last blog post, you'll remember that Laura OLPH had given me some catnip for me to sew up into kitty toys.

Today, I got a chance to do it.

Putting that catnip into the little packets was weird; I'm in addiction recovery, and spooning out small quantities of dried-up plan matter was reminiscent of something I haven't done in nearly forty years. (I didn't have as bad a tremor then, either; I didn't spill anywhere near as much.)

Sewing such small items took focus. It's undoubtedly because of my inexperience, but I find the machine doesn't like to start right on the edge of a cut of fabric; I have to start a few millimeters into it (although the machine will run off the back end nicely). I sewed up three sides of the rectangles while the fabric was inside-out ("wrong side showing", as they say who actually know what they're doing), but to sew up the last side, after turning the little packets right-side-out, to close up the last side, I had to start in the middle of the side and sew off the end, then turn the packet around and start in the middle and sew off the other end.

One winds up with a lot of extra threads to cut off. 


That's what my lap looked like.

Anyway; they're done. I've got about a dozen small bags of catnip for Laura. Maybe this will be my retirement business.

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