Wednesday, May 2, 2012

red kite prayer: cool cycling site

I'm stuck at home this morning, while the contractor-fella installs the last of the floor in the bathroom/laundry/kitchen, and after cleaning and polishing the Yellow Maserati, I was kicking around the internet and was brought back to the Red Kite Prayer site. Most cycling sites that are not either manufacturers, vendors, or "style sites" are packed with more cycling sporting news than I care about (sorry, Dave; it's just not my thing).

Red Kite Prayer certainly has that, but it also pays attention to the other stuff, the stuff I like to read about. The site is set up like a blog, and the posts are divided into three sections: Body, with information about competitions, but also about fitness, ride stories, and such; Machine, with gear reviews and impressions; and Mind... which is hard to describe: there are some articles about competitive riders, but they aren't just about riding competitively, and other articles are about the heart and philosophy of riding, if you will.

I've bookmarked it, and I'll probably be checking it out. Don't be surprised if you see links from Red Kite Prayer.

(Why "Red Kite Prayer"? Read this.)

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