Sunday, June 28, 2020


On the last Sunday of the month, I like to lead a C+ ride. I started this thinking The Excellent Wife (TEW) might like to come out, but it didn't work out... but now I've got a few bike-y friends who aren't up to my regular Sunday rides (not Dave H, up there in the picture; he's a regular on my rides), but who still like to come out.

Judy F came out today, along with Dave and Laura OLPH. We did the same route I did a couple of weeks ago, and brought it in at 12.6mph, a nice, leisurely pace for a humid day.

We stopped twice: once at Veteran's Park in Montgomery, where the restrooms were open, and where a porta-potty has been restored!

... and where we met the folks from Marco B's ride, whippin' in from Mercer Park.

One of those riders (who will remain anonymous on this blog) told me if I kept leadin' these slow rides, I'd turn into a slow old man. After a recent brouhaha on the Freehwheelers Facebook page, I told him that with a Medicare card in the drawer and two pensions coming in, I'm already an old man. Still, it set me up for several miles of uncomfortable rumination.

We stopped again at the Bessie Grover park at Camp Meeting Road... where another porta-potty has been restored...

... and where I caught a quick feed and the others hung out in the shade.

Laura turned off home after that, and Dave, Judy, and I headed back to the Claremont School, whence we'd started.

So don't let the pace put you off; if you're up for a leisurely-paced ride, come on out for my last-of-the-month rides.

We also discussed possibilities of pickup points for folks who like to ride in, but don't like to start at Claremont School. Parking at the places on Canal Road is pretty bad, but we might use either Blackwells Mills or the Griggstown crossing as pickup points. Watch for info in future ride listings.

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