Tuesday, June 9, 2020

maybe good news

COVID-19 infection from asymptomatic carriers appears to be rare.

CNN is hardly a peer-reviewed journal, and there is still reason to be cautious:

Many people with Covid-19 who may appear to be asymptomatic actually could just have mild or atypical symptoms -- or they could be pre-symptomatic, Dr. Manisha Juthani, an infectious diseases specialist and associate professor of medicine and epidemiology at Yale School of Medicine, said in an email to CNN on Monday.

Pre-symptomatic refers to the early stages of an illness, before symptoms have developed, whereas asymptomatic may refer to having no symptoms throughout the course of an infection -- a distinction that Van Kerkhove hinted at during Monday's media briefing.


Edit June 10 2020: Article has been updated (see link above). Perhaps my hopes were ill-founded.

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